Alison Arden is a fully qualified and licensed acupuncturist, living and practicing in the South of England. Trained in classical acupuncture, she is also a qualified nurse having worked in the NHS for fourteen years. Combining her knowledge and experience in both Western and Eastern medicine, Alison emphasises both science-based consulting with proven ancient treatments and practises.

‘I look forward to meeting with you and understanding how we can help you heal, overcome and improve your quality of life. I am very happy to discuss and answer any questions you might have prior to your treatment’

Alison Arden Lic.Ac, BSc(Hons), MAAC, MBAF


Acupuncture is a form of natural healing which involves the insertion of very fine sterile needles at specific points throughout the body.

The body is viewed as a system of interconnected organs (more a set of functions rather than physical structures, as understood in Western medicine). Our energy flows through the organs and connecting channels, powering our physical functions and maintaining our health – a disruption to the energy results in symptoms of illness. There can be many reasons for this, from emotional and physical stress, poor diet, infection and injury, and of course, the challenges of ageing.

What makes this system so uniquely suited to modern life is that physical, emotional and mental wellness are seen as interlinked. The focus is on the individual, not their illness, and all the symptoms are seen in relation to each other.
Each patient is unique – for example, two patients receiving treatment for insomnia are likely to have differing diagnoses for the root cause.

Although there are many genres of practise, we focus on practical classical acupuncture, particularly Tradition Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the ‘Five Elements’, giving our clients a diverse range of “tools” in which to diagnose and treat.

Book an appointment with me